
Shaping social innovation in urgent times

We are living in a world where so many of us live at our own own frequencies, hearing echoes of our own voices. Collectively, what we hear is noise, but in it is resonance. By tuning in to each other, listening deeply, practicing together and journeying through a shared experience, we can grasp shared meaning and shape mutual action in these urgent times. 

In 2017, we brought the global social innovation community together in London and started an ambitious journey of “wayfinding”  from here (2017) to there (2027). We got to a sense of direction, but a sense of destination is not enough. We need constant renewal of thoughts, emotions and most importantly, actions. 

Three years on, we are facing a unique moment in history with COVID-19, the climate crisis, global migration and populism — so local and global in nature.  This moment reveals how vulnerable we are as human beings and how we belong to the whole.

It also shows us how interconnected we are in space and time. It demands that we listen and learn, that we remember why we are here, and reimagine and demonstrate what is possible. 

During 2020, we are devising a metaphorical symphony — four movements that will help us grasp meaning and shape action. 


With support from McConnell Foundation, Saputo Foundation, Suncor Energy Foundation and imece, we are tuning in to how we are renewing our relationships with each other and the earth: in our lives, in work, in production, in our social contracts and safety nets, in governance and in the local and global spheres of thinking, behaving and relating. 

We are tuning into the social innovation happening now.

What music can we assemble or improvise and experience together now, that we could not months ago? Can we now hear and play the movements that will reimagine our way forward together?


The Wayfinder visual story


Join Wayfinder 2020

Wayfinder 2020 Green Block.png