Use the right hand menu to jump to different movements or scroll through to experience the journey as it emerged — flowing with insight, poetry, music, art, dialogue, learning and sonic action.
Wayfinding Around the world
The world SIX Wayfinder was truly global. This image captures the flows of connection between the many people from the many countries who linked virtually through the Wayfinder.
Our destination changed in 2020 from a physical location to a magic space of sense, sound, ideas, experience, feeling and memory.
Voices of the Artist-Composers
In movement No. 3, we played towards the crescendo of No. 4 — Magic. The devised Symphony gained further dimension and depth, textured with the emerging compositions of the Artist-Composers.
Learn about Artist-Composers’ process and experience with Onions Talk, hosted by Artist-Composer Fié Neo. Together, they share their respective wayfinding journeys through the chaos we live in right now, in the hope that they can offer some comfort through their art and music.
The Final Symphony
‘Sounding Together’
A sonic gift, the shape of social innovation in urgent times.
This 25-minute piece ‘Sounding Together’ from chaos to catharsis, was created by six Artist-Composers in response to the stories, pain, hope, and actions from around the world, collected during SIX Wayfinder 2020. Their collaboration spanned four months across time-zones, only ever meeting over Zoom, using a collage of iphone recordings and makeshift studio set ups during lockdown, from Singapore, Poland, Greece, UK and Canada. The piece is a collective inquiry into the question: "What is the shape of social innovation in urgent times and what sounds can help us reimagine our way forward together?"
We desire for this sonic horizon of hope to leave you nourished, with new perspectives and awareness for how we transition, heal and rebuild with resilience for where, and what next. We recommend good headphones and a comfortable, inspiring place to sit, lay down, and close your eyes.
Recommendations for listening
Download the song (use the download arrow in the top right of the audio widget below) and click the repeat button on your music player before listening.
This is a circular piece that can be listened to in one cycle (25 minutes) or for full immersion, listen to twice completing the cycle for 1 hour including time to reflect.
We would love you to share what comes up for you, receiving your reflections on our miro board. This is in the hope that we can retrieve more gold from this feed-back loop as we input your reflections back into the next phase of our collective Wayfinding journey, as a living artform organism.
We invite you to relisten, perhaps as a part of your routine or create a use for it in your community, returning to movements or sections that most empower you.
Learn the words, sing along, sound together!
Kandice Holmes — Artistic Director, arrangement and co-producer; sonic actions, field recordings, gong, bells, flute, voice in ‘RE’ poem and harmonic choir concept.
Eily Aurora — Co-producer, Celtic harp, Chinese (Guzheng) harp, the voice of ‘Listen’, voice in ‘RE’ poem and harmonic choir, field recordings, sonic actions
Robert Nizinski — Co-producer, writer of ‘Listen’ and ‘RE’ poems, clarinet and gongs and harmonic choir composer.
Voices in ‘RE’ poem — Orode Faka , Fié Neo , Corina Kwami and harmonic choir voice.
Philippe Nash — Mixing and mastering engineer, harmonic choir arrangement.
Amalia Zepou — “Art as a Bridge” quote.
Sonic Actions: Artist Composers
Laughter: So Jung Rim and Leo Howell
Breathing: friends in the UK, USA and Nijohua, Mexico.