Tuning in together
During the first movement of the Wayfinder symphony, over 120 people across 30 cities around the world have played an invaluable part and have helped us to tune into the bright spots and blind spots of social innovation worldwide.
Thank you to everyone who has hosted or participated in a dine-around — for offering up this conversation as a tool and a practice to ‘tune in’ together to the harmony and dissonance around the world.
Kiryong Kim (Host), PlanM
Jiyoung Eom, Momelancer
Myunghee Baek, Seoul Welfare Foundation Sangrae Cho, Underdogs
Yeonju Jeong, Kakao
Seong-kyun Kim, The Catholic Univ. of Korea Social Innovation Center
Sumin Lee, PlanM
Hyuk Kang, Hankook Foundation
Elisa Franceschinis (Host), Envearth
Layan Al Dabt
Eleanor Burton
Lina Al Qaddoumi
Halah Al Essa
Faten AbuGhazaleh
Ali Alyousefi
Megumi Koyama (Host), PIECES
Ibuki Ozawa, PIECES
Shoko Aoki, PIECES
Keita Takahashi, PIECES
Fábio Deboni (Host), impact northeast supporter and mentor
Marcello Espírito Santo, impact northeast founder
Cézar Ricardo, impact northeast node
Pedro Verda, impact northeast node
Carolinna Amorim, impact northeast node
Antonio Castro (Host), Nijohua
Enrique Rodríguez, Nijohua
Lesly Gurrola, Nijohua
Luis Marquez, Nijohua
Marco Cárdenas, Nijohua
Tamara Ocampo, Nijohua
Verónica Tarango, Nijohua
Alejandra Flores, Nijohua
Josiane Smith (Host), SIX
Diane Roussin, The Winnipeg Boldness Project
Erika Wiese, Innovation Edge
Martin Cosarinsky, Breadwinners
Gianlorenzo Meggio, SIT Network
Mhari Gayer, CompassCollective
Darren Mew, PiL & SIX
Amwaj Alzahrani (Host), SIX
Evane Essegger, School of Visual Arts
Leah Brown, School of Visual Arts
Nidhi Desai, School of Visual Arts
Allyson Fraser, School of Visual Arts
Laura Ceron Melo, School of Visual Arts
Miquel de Paladella (Host), UpSocial
Viviana Urani, UpSocial
Albert Bravo-Biosca, Innovation Growth Lab
Carmen García de Andrés, Fundación Tomillo
Gemma Galdón, Éticas Consulting
Gorka Espiau, Agirre Center for Social and Political Studies
Isabelle Le Galo, Fundación Daniel y Nina Carasso
Irene Arias, IDB Lab
Javi Creus, Ideas for Change
Jorge Rovira, UpSocial
Liliana Arroyo, ESADE Institute for Social Innovation
Mamen Salcedo, Research and Education Projects
Paweł Nizinski (Host), Goodbrand
Patrycja Soliman-Nizińska, National Theatre Warsaw
Maciej Lissowski, Pathfinder
Khrystyna Ivanusa
Mikołaj Niziński
Joanna Dyszlewska
Robert Niziński, Księżyc
Tomasz Stemplewski, Silesia Region municipality
Rose Cawood (Host), Research and Innovation Office, GCU and participants from Social Innovation through Knowledge Exchange (SIKE) Project
Louise Pulford (Host), SIX
Michelle Baldwin, Pillar Nonprofit Network
Ana Gonzales, Youth Climate Lab
Dan Wicklum, Transition Accelerator
Patti Sontag, Institute for Investigative Journalism
Lindsey Bacigal, Indigenous Climate Action
Jill Andres (Host)
Maxine Anguk
Kalen Taylor
Levi Fox
Diane Roussin
Richard Tuck
Louise Pulford (Host), SIX
Claude Pinard, Saputo Foundation
Kimberly Nordbye, Suncor
Josiane Smith, SIX
Daphne Stylianou (Host), STBY (UK & NL)
The Care Lab (ES)
Somia (ID & SG)
Quicksand (IN)
Matchboxology (ZA)
Apogee/Make Meaningful Work (HK)
Paper Giant (AU)
de la O studio (MX)
Summ()n (RU)
Erwin Lizarondo (Host)
Carla Mumar, Scale Solutions
Jem Sagcal, Offcrowd
Shawntel Nicole Nieto, Sustainarumble
Christopher Klein Asinas, Sustainarumble
Bonar Laureto, Business for Sustainable Development
Prince Jimdel Ventura, Wear Forward
Jonas Marie Dumdum, Sustainarumble
Angeli Recella, Makesense
Amelie Silfverstolpe, Axfoundation
Åsa Skogström Feldt, Inter IKEA
Scott Young, Integration Specialist
Nina Miller, Reach for Change
Ernest Radal, Göteborgs stad
Olof Lundström, L2GO
Anna Snell, Volontärbyrån
Per Grankvist, Viable Cities
Valerie Marouche, BMW
Josiane Smith (Host)
Nader Kabbani, Brookings Doha Center
Pepa Martinez-Borso
and other guests
So Jung Rim (Host), SIX
Jungwon Kim, Spread-i
Natalia Palombo, Many Studios
Orode Faka, Roehampton R.O.C.K.S.
Amwaj Alzahrani, SIX / School of Visual Arts
Josiane Smith (Host), SIX
Frances Petersen, University of Free State
Sonia Navarro, ESADE Business School
Julia Unwin, SIX, Independent Inquiry on the Future of Civil Society
So Jung Rim, SIX
Amwaj Alzahrani, SIX / School of Visual Arts