Hakan Ates
Born in 1959, Mr. Ateş graduated from Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Business Administration after completing his studies at TED Ankara College. He started his banking career in 1981 as an Internal Auditor at İşbank. After serving at various Interbank units from 1986 to 1993, he worked as a Branch Manager at Elmadağ, Şişli, Bakırköy, İzmir and Central Branches. He established Interbank’s Cash Management System and was promoted in 1993 to Executive Vice President in charge of Central Operations. Mr. Ateş worked as Executive Vice President in charge of Financial Affairs and Operations at Bank Ekspres between the years of 1994 and 1996 and led the bank’s restructuring project under the consultation of Bank of America. He established Garanti Bank Moscow in Russia and worked as CEO for one year starting from June 1996. He has continued his duties as the President & CEO at DenizBank, where he started in June 1997 as the Founder President. During his management tenure, DenizBank shares were offered to public in October 2004 where 5.5 times oversubscription was recorded. His management also ran the process of selling Zorlu Holding-owned DenizBank shares to Dexia S.A. in May 2006 for 3.250 Billion Dollars with 4,7 times its book value which is a record in Turkey, as well as the sales process of 99.85% of DenizBank shares owned by Dexia Group to Sberbank 6 years later in June 2012 for 3.6 Billion Dollars with 1.33 times its book value. In addition, the transfer of Deniz Emeklilik for 256 million Euros with 10 times its book value with a 15-year sales agreement in 2011 and taking over the retail Banking of Citi Turkey with about 1500 employees in 2013 also took place under the management of Mr Ateş. Also serving as the Chairman of the Board of Directors at DenizBank subsidiaries Deniz Yatırım Menkul Kıymetler A.Ş., Intertech A.Ş, DenizBank Moscow and DenizBank AG Vienna, Hakan ATEŞ was granted the “Those who Add Value to Turkey” award presented by Bahçeşehir University in 2015.

Harvey Koh (UK)
Harvey Koh is a Managing Director at FSG where he co-leads the Inclusive Markets approach area. Based between Mumbai and London, he works to develop and scale business models that benefit poor and marginalised populations, spanning a range of sectors including housing, water and healthcare. Harvey also leads FSG’s partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation on market system innovation towards inclusive economies.
Harvey has lead-authored influential reports in the inclusive business and impact investing field including From Blueprint to Scale, which introduced the notion of the ‘pioneer gap’ and called for greater supply of more patient, risk-tolerant capital to bridge it. Until 2011, Harvey was the founding Head of Investment & Performance at Private Equity Foundation (now Impetus-PEF), a venture philanthropy fund established in London by leading U.S. and European private equity firms.
Harvey was born and raised in Malaysia.

Inderpaul Johar (UK)
Inderpaul Johar is a trained & registered architect, Graham Willis Professor and over the course of the last 15 years he has co-founded & established a RIBA London Building of Year award winning Architectural Practice - Architecture 00, Multiple Social Start up Accelerators, Multiple Impact Hubs in the UK along with supporting the development of multiple Open Source Manufacturing Ventures in london - from Open Desk to Wikihouse, and most recently Dark Matter Laboratories.
Indy is the Executive Director of Dark Matter, Fellow of the RSA, UNDP Innovation Facility Advisory Board Member, member of Mayor of London’s Good Growth By Design panel, Future Cities Canada Senior Fellow, Young Foundation Senior Innovation Associate, EU Start Up Ambassador. He works with Dark Matter is focused on co-designing new institutional infrastructure of Good growth & systems change or assisting then transition of 20th century institution - from work is focused on participatory strategy development, 21st Century Governance Innovation, System change to System Venturing.
Indy has taught & lectured at various institutions from the University of Bath, TU-Berlin; Architectural Association, University College London, Princeton, Guggenheim Museum & UNDP. He has given lectures and led discussions on various issues, including how strategic design meets policy and place making in various forums from Demos, Centre of Social Justice, Helsinki Design Lab, European Parliament, LSE, Royal Academy, Royal Society of the Arts and Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. He has written for many national and international journals on the future of social systems and venturing and the future of development.
Itır Erhart (TR)
Dr Itır Erhart studied philosophy and Western Languages & Literatures at Boğaziçi University. She completed her M.Phil in Philosophy at the University of Cambridge.
In 2001 she started teaching at Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of Media and Communication Systems. In 2006 she earned her PhD from Boğaziçi University in philosophy. In 2015 she became an associate professor. Itır is also the co-founder of two social enterprises, Adım Adım (Step by Step), and Açık Açık (Openly). In 2009 she was featured on CNN Turk’s "Turkey's Changemakers".
She was awarded a Ten Outstanding Persons (TOYP) award in 2010. In 2014 she became an Ashoka Fellow.

James Stauch
James Stauch is the Director of the Institute for Community Prosperity at Mount Royal University (MRU), which connects learners to knowledge, research, tools and networks to help them make transformative change in their communities. The Institute has led the creation of undergraduate credit-based programming in social innovation, Certificate programs for practitioners in Social Innovation and corporate Community Investment, and have just opened a 5,000 square foot on-campus community co-working and social R&D space - the Trico Changemakers Studio. The Institute also served as the backbone for MRU's campus-wide changemaking strategy and Changemaker Council. James has also developed and taught social innovation credit and non-credit courses, as well as a new experimental community-service liberal-arts hybrid course: Rethinking the Public Sphereand a low-income accessible informal certificate program - the Economics of Social Change. James has also served as a foundation executive and consultant with nearly two decades of experience working in the field of philanthropy, including as senior executive for the Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation in Toronto, where he co-developed the Jane Glassco Northern Fellows program, for emerging social change leaders in the Arctic and far north. He has also chaired or help found a number of membership-based philanthropic foundation networks and collaboratives, including the Arctic Funders Collaborative, International Funders for Indigenous Peoples, Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, and the Canadian Environmental Grantmakers Network.

Jordan Junge
Jordan is responsible for growing and developing the network globally, managing new programme design and delivery, and contributing to research. Jordan is the lead for SIX's foresight work exploring the future of social innovation with our Wayfinder series and providing strategic insight and guidance to our Global Council. She also manages the SIX Funders Node, an international collective of 50 foundations from over 15 countries, helping them to be better funders of innovation by connecting them to their peers. She develops the programme of work for the Funders Node including hosting retreats, dinners, meetings and leading on research. She led on SIX's programme of in Africa hosting events in Johannesburg, Nairobi and Harare. She also managed the first three Unusual Suspects Festivals in Northern Ireland, Glasgow, and London.

Karl Richter (DE)
Karl Richter is Co-Founder and Executive Director of EngagedX, which specialises in providing bespoke consultancy, thought leadership, advocacy and policy work. He works internationally across private, public and social sectors. He is an experienced entrepreneur and has held numerous leadership, management and executive positions.
He is Head of Research and Knowledge for the UN’s Social Impact Fund (UNSIF), for whom he leads a global research consortium to improve the analytical framework for social impact investing; also a member of Groupe d’Experts de la Commission sur l’Entrepreneuriat Social (GECES), which is appointed by the European Commission to advise on its Social Business Initiative; sits on the OECD expert group on social impact investing; Senior Fellow of the Finance Innovation Lab, which was set to explore, innovate and evolve the financial system to sustain people and planet; Adviser to the Global Value Exchange, which is an open source database and platform for measuring social and environmental values.

Kelsey Spitz-Dietrich (CA)
Kelsey Spitz-Dietrich is an advisor with SIX. She works closely with Jordan Junge as a partner-in-crime, supporting strategy development for the SIX Funders Node and Wayfinder series. Kelsey shares her time between SIX and CKX in Canada, where she is the Reflective Practice Director.
A long-time collaborator with SIX, Kelsey had the great privilege of partnering with the SIX team as Senior Associate at Social Innovation Generation (SiG) National from 2014-2017. In her time with SiG, Kelsey co-created and facilitated the Alberta Social Innovation (ABSI) Connect Fellows initiative and collaborated with her team to foster an enabling ecosystem for systems change in Canada. In celebration of SiG’s sunset in December 2017, Kelsey and her colleague, Geraldine Cahill, co-authored Social Innovation Generation: Fostering a Canadian Ecosystem for Systems Change to capture the lessons and insights of the SiG story.
Following the SiG sunset, Kelsey served as a social innovation specialist at the Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) from January - March 2018, supporting an ongoing feasibility study for a pan-Canadian network for social innovators. Kelsey holds a MSc in Culture and Society from the London School of Economics and a BS in Foreign Service from Georgetown University. She lives in Toronto, Canada.

Kerem Alper (TR)
Kerem Alper obtained a dual degree in Mathematics and Economics at Wesleyan University and completed his MBA at Stanford University along with a Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Design from Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (dschool), where he was also a lecturer.
In 2012, Kerem was selected a Lightspeed Venture Partners Fellow through which he founded an agriculture software startup. Later on, he worked at Nest Labs which was acquired by Google in 2014. After Nest was sold to Google, he returned to Istanbul to establish ATÖLYE. In 2014, Kerem was awarded the Young Creative Entrepreneur of the Year Award by the British Council. He has
spoken at several conferences including the Stanford Entrepreneurship Conference, TEDxReset, Inspired Istanbul, Smart Cities Summit, and hello tomorrow.
Karem is also an adjunct professor at Ozyegin University and Istanbul Bilgi University on design thinking and innovation.

Kerem Okumuş (TR)
Kerem Okumuş is the founding partner and managing director of S360. He is an impact entrepreneur and successfully leveraged multiple social investments. He is the head of B Corp Turkey and official affiliate partner of Shared Value Initiative and a board member of imece. He worked for the World Bank to channel investment funding for climate adaptation.
Kerem was the head of business at the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe based in Budapest (REC) and also worked as the Deputy Director of the REC Country Office Turkey. He is a Chevening Scholar and completed the Sustainability Management Programme at TiasNimbas Business School/SCF. He has a post-graduate degree on International Studies from the University of Birmingham and an undergraduate degree on Political Science and International Relations from Bilkent University.

Kriss Deiglmeier (US)
Kriss Deiglmeier is Chief Executive Officer of Tides Network, a global social enterprise. Kriss has more than 20 years of senior executive experience that spans the business, social enterprise, nonprofit, academic and philanthropic sectors. In 2016, she was named one of the “50 most influential women in Philanthropy” by Philanthropy Insider. In 2015, Tides granted over $150 million in the United States and in 110 countries globally. Before joining Tides, Kriss was the founding Executive Director for the Center for Social Innovation at Stanford.
Kriss is recognized as a pioneer in the field of social innovation and has presented internationally on social innovation, social entrepreneurship, design thinking and public-private partnerships as well as guest-lectured at Stanford Graduate School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, Hitotsubashi University, Kyoto University, and Kyushu University. Kriss developed and taught the course, “Social Innovation through Corporate Social Responsibility,” at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Kristin Wolff (US)
Kristin Wolff, thinker, doer, aspiring rainmaker. Kristin has worked in the social change space for over 15 years. She is a Senior Associate at Social Policy Research Associates (Oakland, CA), where she works on work – especially the #FutureofWork – and all things aimed community prosperity.
She has worked in communities large and small, rural and urban, in and outside the US. Kristin also runs thinkers + doers, and is “DIYing” her second masters – an un-degree comprising formal, informal, and experiential learning in HCD and innovation, open data and data journalism, and collaborative technologies. She also chairs a local nonprofit board, and is a three-time Hack Oregon Project alumna, a seven-time alumna SIX Social Innovation Schools, and a founding member of the Solutions Journalism network in Portland.
She lives in Portland, Oregon and likes bikes – and chocolate. Ask her about the Tomorrow Project.

Lee Rose (CA)
Lee (@thisleerose) is an accidental social innovator with a knack for working across systems to drive change. He led the creation of CKX in his role as the Director of Community Knowledge at Community Foundations of Canada, and now as CKX’s Managing Director.
A former camp director, Lee is prone to tipping canoes and shaking things up both on the water and at work. He recently wrapped up terms on the boards of Imagine Canada and the Ten Oaks Project, an organization engages children and youth from LGBTQ+ communities through activities rooted in social justice and play.
Lee lives in Gatineau, Quebec with his three kids and all of their hockey gear.

Leonardo Letelier (BR)
Leonardo Letelier has over 20 years of experience in business, finance, and the social sector. Before
founding SITAWI, he spent 2 years as the director of the Economic Citizenship for All initiative for Ashoka. He also spent 8 years at McKinsey, advising clients on strategic and operational challenges, with a focus on the telecommunications and energy sectors. Prior to McKinsey, he worked in derivatives trading, and with CADE, the Brazilian antitrust agency.
He was elected a Synergos Senior Fellow and a Responsible Leader by the BMW Foundation. Leonardo is recognized as one of the pioneers in the Social Finance and Impact Investing landscape, globally and in Brazil having served as co-executive director of the Brazilian Social Finance Task Force. He earned an MBA from Harvard Business School and an Industrial Engineering degree from USP – University of São Paulo.

Liana Varon
Liana Varon, completed her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in International Relations at Koç University. Prior to joining Third Sector Foundation of Turkey (TUSEV), Liana worked with several civil society organisations and consulted them on fundraising and project development strategies. Currently, Liana is working as the Deputy Secretary General of TUSEV and her areas of interest include civil society infrastructure development, philanthropy and strategic giving, civil society law. She has contributed in various research initiatives and reports in the areas of civil society development and philanthropy and she continues to pursue a master’s degree in Philanthropic Studies at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. Liana has been a steering committee member of the CIVICUS Affinity Group for National Associations since 2016.

Louise Pulford (UK)
Louise Pulford is the Director of the Social Innovation Exchange (SIX), the world’s leading social innovation network. Louise has been responsible for building SIX over the last 6 years. Under her leadership, SIX spun out of the Young Foundation in 2013.
Louise is a seasoned speaker on the value of networks and social innovation globally, and regularly designs and facilitates social innovation training programmes for governments and universities around the world. Louise also publishes regular articles on networks and social innovation.
Louise has worked on social innovation with the European Commission since 2010 when she co-wrote a Study on Social Innovation for the Bureau of European Policy Advisors in 2010 and has since co-managed several large consortiums building communities of innovators across Europe, including the current Social Innovation Europe programme. Louise sits on the Mayor of Seoul’s Advisory group for social innovation.

Luisa Covaria
Luisa Covaria is the Senior Design Lead for OpenIDEO– IDEO’s open innovation platform. Luisa designs and leads projects focused on building movements and increasing the platform’s social and educational impact through collaboration.
As part of her role to push the boundaries of what is possible, she has designed boot camps, online environments and programs blending online and offline experiences to help early stage entrepreneurs in the social impact space take their initiatives to the next level.
Luisa has a passion for working in international development. She has led projects to increase participation of those with no access to the Internet in online challenges and has designed and built in-country networks to empower social entrepreneurs in East Africa and Asia.
Before this role, Luisa worked as a user experience designer for various boutique agencies and NGO’s in New York City, started a social venture to facilitate collaboration and co-creation around pressing social issues and developed programs to empower marginalized communities through participatory filmmaking, from Asia to South America.
Luisa graduated with a masters in interaction design from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University and a bachelor’s degree from Middlebury College. She is the recipient of various social entrepreneurship fellowships such as the Reynolds Fellowship and is part of the United World College scholar program.

Marcello Palazzi (NL)
Marcello Palazzi BSc, MSc, MBA is the Founder President of Progressio Foundation for Human Progress (Rotterdam) and Co-Founder & Board Member of B Lab Europe (Amsterdam). He is the Chairman of the SIX Executive Board.
Marcello is a serial entrepreneur for human progress. Following 11 years as co-head of his international family business in environmental technologies from Italy and the UK in the 80s and early 90s, he founded Progressio Foundation, which has completed 300 projects in 30 countries with dozens of partners under his leadership, in pursuit of the ‘civic economy’, ‘civic enterprise’ and ‘civic innovation', which Palazzi wrote about in 1990 in a pamphlet which has proved prescient, predicting the rise of CSR, sustainability, public-private partnerships, ethical investments, social enterprise and other forms of a more ‘integrative’ economy and enterprise.
Since 2014, Marcello has been leading the B Corp movement in continental Europe from Amsterdam.

Marcos Eguigeren
Marcos is an Economist and PhD in Business Administration. He is the Executive Director of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV), based in the Netherlands. He is an entrepreneur that has started companies in different industries including financial services, technology and professional services. He brings a wealth of experience including banking, consulting, management and research. Marcos is known for his ability to lead the strategic delivery of profitable, sustainable, values-based business models. As Executive Director of the GABV Marcos is building the values-based banking movement and growing our work with members, partners, experts and policy makers to influence the banking system so that it is more transparent, ethical, robust and real-economy focused. Marcos is also a professor of Business Administration at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Markus Lux (DE)
Markus Lux studied History and Politics at the universities of Mainz and Riga. From 1993 to 1996 he worked for the German public television channel “ZDF” in Mainz. From 1996 to 2002 he was a Visiting Lecturer at several universities in Latvia and a Researcher at the »Jews in Latvia« Museum in Riga. Markus has been at the Robert Bosch Stiftung in Stuttgart since 2002. He is currently Deputy Head of Department “International Relations – Europe and its Neighbours” and responsible for the topics “International Affairs and Global Issues”, “Civil Society International” and “Building a Stronger Europe”. He is also in the Strategic Development Unit responsible for International Relations, Alumni and Social Investing.

Martín Cosarinsky (UK)
Martín Cosarinsky is the Director of Breadwinners, a grassroots charity selling organic artisan bread and supporting refugees with work. He is also a board member at Praxis, an organisation that provides vital support to vulnerable migrants. He has also lead a WASH implementation in rural Nicaragua and is an active volunteer for Refugee Youth. With vast experience in corporations like GSK and Lindt&Spruengli, he has established himself as a continuous improvement expert.
As part of the On Purpose leadership programme, Martin did a six month placement with the Social Innovation Exchange (SIX), helping with strategy and finance, building robust plans and scenario analysis. He now sits on the board for SIX.

Millie Begovic Radojevic (TR)
Millie Begovic Radojevic works on bringing innovation to development. She works with teams (UNDP and national/local partners) across the region of Europe and CIS to find out new ways of tackling stubborn problems, test out fresh ideas and new perspectives in UNDP context.
Her main areas of expertise include social innovation and change management; design thinking, user innovation, citizen engagement, foresight, social network analysis, tech and complexity science and development as well as natural resource planning, disaster risk reduction and local development.
In 2013, she ran UNDP’s first challenge, subsequently taking part in drafting UNDP’s first corporate policy on innovation challenge prizes. Between 2014 and 2015, Millie designed and tested a new approach to ‘scaling up’ in development, borrowing principles from sciences (biology, ecology, cognitive science and psychology). In 2014, she also introduced a new method (micro-narratives) for weak signal detection, analysis of underlying causes of development issues, and impact evaluation.