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Making this moment count

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Tuesday 3rd November, 10:00 - 11:30 GMT

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How can we reinforce the efforts of civil society in Asia?

As the need grows for urgent delivery around response and recovery in the pandemic, civil society actors have yet again proved to be effective mechanisms. We have heard from players across Asia that, “we are at our brightest moment right now”, with philanthropic, public and private bodies exploring new forms of organising, coordinating resources and influencing agendas for the common good. 

But this agenda has always been at the core of civil society. Now that the sector has the ears and eyes of those in power, it is crucial to find out what tangible actions can be taken to support this sector to truly succeed. Across Asia, the general sense is that whilst different experiments and opportunities are being explored, more so than ever before, the feedback loops risk becoming stuck in silos, and many activities in many parts of the region still struggle to find the trust and support from others in the ecosystem. Is there applicable knowledge to be gained from different local contexts? How can longer-lasting support structures be built so as not to forget the important role that civil society plays or waste this valuable moment?